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On Knowledge Leadership of the Schoolmaster
WANG Shi⁃wei , QIN Jin⁃hua
1.College of Education Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510631;
. Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Foreign Language School, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510095, China)
Abstract:Knowledge leadership consists of five steps, namely, knowledge acquisition, knowledge
keeping, knowledge spreading, knowledge transformation and knowledge application. Accordingly, the
schoolmaster should play the role of knowledge steward, knowledge manager, spreading promoter, knowl⁃
edge transformation fugleman and knowledge practitioner, all of which make the schoolmaster a knowl⁃
edge master. To guarantee the smooth carrying out of knowledge leadership, knowledge workers should be
cultivated and knowledge⁃oriented culture should be fostered.
Key words:Schoolmaster; knowledge leadership; knowledge master