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Translation Context Description:
from Translation Theories into Teaching Practice
SANG Zhong⁃gang
School of Foreign Languages, Tianshui Normal University, Tianshui, Gansu 741000, China)
Abstract:Although there is a multitude of research paradigms in the field of translation studies, it is
infeasible to formulate a coherent explanation for the process of translator’s decision-making. This is the
problem getting in the way of translation teaching and applied translation studies. The description of trans⁃
lation theories by categorizing translation can reconstruct translation context which can influence, restrict
and form translation decisions. Thus, the insight into translators’ decisions in translation process can be
gained. The mode of description-translation can reveal the structure of translation context and is benefi⁃
cial to translation teaching practice.
Key words:translation theories; description; translation context; translation teaching
责任编辑:唐ꢀ 普]