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A Brief Analysis on Urbanization
from the Perspective of Economic Logic
SHEN Chao⁃qun
School of Economics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610064;
Graduate School, Party College of Sichuan Province Commttee of CCP, Chengdu, Sichuan 610072, China)
Abstract:China is in the critical period of economic transformation and upgrading. In the urbaniza⁃
tion process, hundreds of millions of farmers’ turning into urban population will release a larger domestic
demand, which will help to alleviate the deficiency of domestic demand, and create opportunities for eco⁃
nomic development and transformation. However, in the process of China’ s urbanization, the external
constraints have distorted the realization form of the urbanization, and caused a series of problems. They
have not only hindered the process of China’s urbanization, but also reduced the urbanization positive
effect and caused serious social and economic problems. This paper analyzes the general logic of urbaniza⁃
tion, constructs urbanization model in general sense based on the Edwin Mills’ city formation model, an⁃
alyzes the external constraints and internal logic of China’s urbanization and finally puts forward some
suggestions such as industry leading the urbanization process, getting rid of the external constraints, inno⁃
vating urbanization pattern and so on.
Key words:urbanization; connotation; economics logic; model