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About College Student Development Ability
SNU Committee Office of CPC, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610068, China)
Abstract:College student development ability, an integrated ability, means conformity to, constant
innovation in and simultaneous development with the development of times. According to dialectic materi⁃
alism, an individual’s development is in the same historical course of social development, in which the
former is the precondition of the latter, while the latter is the driving force for the former. Society cannot
develop without personal ability development, which in turn must conform to social development trend.
This ability is composed of intellectual ability and psychological ability. The former concerns knowledge,
information, skills and techniques, while the latter concerns will⁃power, mood, affect and accommoda⁃
tion. Although both can affect their formation of development ability, psychological ability is a crucial fac⁃
tor in students’ development ability.
Key words:college student; development ability; intellectual ability; psychological ability