陈艾莎ꢀ 试论外语教学对比分析和错误分析的研究价值
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Attempt at Research Value
of Contrastive Analysis and Error Analysis in EFL/ ESL
CHEN Ai⁃sha
Civil Aviation English Department, Civil Aviation Flight University Of China, Guanghan, Sichuan 618307 , China)
Abstract: Theories of error in foreign language teaching research provide for not only correct appre⁃
ciation of student errors but understanding of how L1 as well as L2 is acquired. Through a study of his/
her erroneous linguistic performance which deviates from formal target language, researchers can obtain
evidence how language is acquired or learned and what strategies the learner is employing in his/ her
learning of language, and educators can learn information of how far towards the goal the learner has pro⁃
gressed and consequently what remains for him/ her to learn. Contrastive analysis and error analysis of er⁃
ror theories in EFL/ ESL research are both important subjects and tools, and therefore are of significant
research value.
Key words:contrastive analysis; error analysis; interlanguage; fossilization; EFL/ ESL research