徐湘霖ꢁ 从唯识认识论看现象学的意向性构成理论
身认识的必由之路”[18](410 页)
胡塞尔认为“认知生活”是“一个这样的境域,在这个境域中,科学结构潜存着、并生发出来”。 见《胡塞尔全集》第7 卷,转
引自《胡塞尔传》,李鹏程著,石家庄,河北人民出版社,1998 年版。
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9]成唯识论:卷3[M]ꢀ 大正藏:卷31ꢀ 台北:台湾新文丰出版社,1977ꢀ
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14]摄大乘论:卷上[M]ꢀ 大正藏:卷31ꢀ 台北:台湾新文丰出版社,1977ꢀ
15]雅默,Chꢀ 用超理性主义来反对非理性主义[J]ꢀ 争论中的现象学,法兰克福/ 美茵:1989ꢀ
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17]倪梁康ꢀ 现象学及其效应———胡塞尔与当代德国哲学[M]ꢀ 北京:三联书店,1996ꢀ
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Phenomenological Intention Structure Theory from
Cittamatra Epistemology
XU Xiang⁃lin
Chinese Institute, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610068, China)
Abstract:On the standpoint of epistemology, both cittamatra and phenomenology bring up a unique
explanation of the target world different from traditional rationalism, and form a set of brand new method⁃
ology on the basis of the study of human cognitive function and intention structure, which shows the ex⁃
tremely high wisdom and idea of both in human rational examination and is of important modern value in
human psyche development and human thought enlightenment. Though both of them have fundamental
difference in teleology, they can be complementary in epistemology and methodology.
Key words:cittamatra; phenomenology; intentions structure