赫斯顿在一次采风现场因突发事件差点被刀子捅死。 具她本人介绍,当时有人出于嫉妒,突然拔出刀子向她刺去。 一名妇
这批民歌唱片由赫斯顿等人于1935 年夏天灌制。
1]Gates Jr., Henry Louis. The Signifying Monkey—A Theory of African⁃American Literary Criticism. New York: Oxford University
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2]Hurston,Zora Neale. Mules and Men. Alice Walker ed. I Love Myself When I Am Laughing …New York: the Feminist Press,1979.
3]Duke, Maurice. Jackson R. Bryer, M. Thomas Inge, ed.ꢁ American Women Writers ꢁ Westport: Greenwood Press, 1983.
4]Walker, Alice. In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens. San Diego: Harcourt Brace & Company. 1984.
5]佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿. 他们眼望上苍[M]. 王家湘译. 北京:十月出版社,2000.
6]Showalter, Elaine. The New Feminist Criticism—Essays on Women Literature Theoryꢁ New York: Pantheon Books, 1985.
7]Walker, Alice. Meridian ꢁ Orlando: A Harvest Book, Harcourt, Inc.,2003.
8]弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫ꢁ 论小说与小说家[M]ꢁ 瞿世镜译ꢁ 上海:上海译文出版社,2000ꢁ
9]Hemenway, Robert. Zora Neale Hurston: A Literary Biography. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1977.
10]May, Hal. James G. Lesniak edꢁ Contemporary Authors. New Revision Series Vol.27. Michigan: Detroit, 1989.
Riddle of Zero Neale Huston
JI Min
Foreign Languages Institute, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610068, China)
Abstract:Huston remains one of the most controversial figures in the contemporary American literary
history. Her whole life constitutes a series of riddles defying anyto attempts guess . In fact what Huston
vigorously expresses is the black people’s experience in their cultural context. In her Their Eyes Were
Watching God , she lets a black woman be prominent instead of a black man. This shift to self⁃confi⁃
dence and self⁃improvement of black women is of great importance, and thoroughly changes the gender
pattern in the American black literature and portrays the image of black woman as self⁃searching, self⁃ex⁃
pressing and self⁃affirming. The novel not only breaks up the forbidden area in the traditional American
literature, but also paves a way for the later invigoration of the whole black literature.
Key words:Huston; black female; Jane; Their Eyes Were Watching God