蒙雪琴ꢀ 现代性挤压下的现实主义反动———评劳伦斯《查特莱夫人的情人》
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Realistic Reaction Against Modernity Pressures
MENG Xue⁃qin
Foreign Language Institute, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610068, China)
Abstract:Under the pressures of modernity modern man is alienated. He is been marginalized by the
aggressiveness of capitalism and the invasion of industrialization and his living space is almost all lost. He
has highly developed mind and great enthusiasm for the pursuit of money and material, but forgets his in⁃
ner life and despises his body. Thus man is in the pain feeling his loss of his real nature. To fight back
the erosion of modernity through the love story of Connie and Mellors, a way to rescue Lawrence presents
is to react realistically. That is a realistic attitude toward life he advocates loudly, wishing man could face
himself and get his real nature returned.
Key words:D.H. Lawrence; Lady Chatterley’s Lover; modernity; alienation; rational⁃expansion;
intuition; instinct