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Chinese Labourers and Chinese Students in France
TIAN Xue⁃mei, XIANYU Hao
Humanities & Social Sciences College, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China)
Abstract:The part⁃time Chinese students in France who work their way through college purposefully
conduct literacy education and political popularization among the Chinese labourers there out of strong
sense of responsibility and make considerable achievements. After the establishment of the Communist
groups of the CPC in Europe they pay more attention to the popularization and education of Marxist theory
among the labourers and unite them in the establishment of anti⁃imperialist united front, which results in
the great enhancement of the labourers’ ideological consciousness and voluntary participation in the anti⁃
imperialist patriotic movement.
Key words:Chinese labourer in France; part⁃time Chinese students in France; the Communist
groups of the CPC in Europe; theoretic popularization; literacy education