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Culture⁃Introduced ELT Model Research
CAO Xi⁃ying
linstitute of Foreign Languages, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610068, China)
Abstract:The close relationship between language and culture determines that culture should be in⁃
troduced in English language teaching and learning. The culture⁃introduced teaching model is based on
the theory of constructivism, with principles of “ instruction guided by teachers and centered on
students”, “integration of English culture and Chinese culture” and “introducing knowledge culture be⁃
fore communication culture”, a frame of “introducing a problem”, “cooperation learning”, “conclusion
and self⁃questioning”, and “ consolidation and development”, and techniques mainly of “ contrast”,
practice”, “discussion”, and “explanation”.
Key words: English language teaching and learning; culture; teaching model; constructivism;
teaching principle; teaching frame;teaching techniques