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Historical Truth of Exclusive Confucianism Reverence and Spiritual
Transformation of Confucian Scholars
XIE Qian
Literature & Journalism Institute, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610054, China)
Abstract:An analysis of the historical truth, based on relevant records in Shi Ji and Han Shu , that
Confucianism evolves from the margin to the political cultural centre of the Han Dynasty, reveals that
Dong Zhongshu comes up with the proposal of so⁃called “rejection of various philosophical schools and
exclusive reverence of Confucianism” only with the prerequisite that the Han⁃Dynasty Emperor Wu just
previously confirms “rejection of various schools and honor of Liu Jing ”, which is motion⁃seconding
rather than motion⁃initiating. The fact that Dong is held in esteem as a “Confucian master” is because he
draws analogies and makes the past serve the present through deducing Chun Qiu catastrophes with yin⁃
yang, and sets a model for the Han Confucian scholars in accommodation and transformation of role⁃con⁃
sciousness as the situation demands. Dong advocates “wang dao san gang” (benevolent way of ruling and
three cardinal guides), even ungrudgingly violates the pre⁃Qin Confucian scholastic positions, revises
Confucianism with huang lao xing ming (schools of Huangdi, Taoists, Legalists and Logicians), and
makes clear the spiritual transformation of Confucian scholars under the Han⁃Dynasty autocratic unitarity.
Key words:Dong Zhongshu; exclusive Confucianism⁃reverence; huang lao xin ming; san gang