见《船山诗草》附《船山诗草补遗序》,中华书局1986 年版,569 页。
见《国朝诗人徵略》卷51 引《听松斋诗话》,台北明文书局1985 年版《清代传记丛刊》。
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On Similarity and Difference Between Zhang Wentao’s
and Yuan Mei’s Poetics
ZHENG Jia⁃zhi
Humanities Institute, Xihua University, Chengdu, Sichuan 611930, China)
Abstract:Zhang Wentao, inheritor of the Xinling School of its late period, is regarded as one of
Yuan Mei’s followers. There are in fact differences in similarities, with the former exceeding the latter,
in their poetics. The similarity lies in the fact that both of them advocate creation of originality and ex⁃
pression of xinling, while the difference in the fact that Zhang maintains originality and xinling as well as
heroic spirit, moral integrity, bravery and greatness and concern with the current events, encourages al⁃
legory, and pursues an imaginative and gloomy style. His poetics carries on the strong points of the Xin⁃
ling School and improves some of its defects, which shows a tendency to influence Gong Zizhen and Wei
Key words:Zhang Wentao; Yuan Mei; Xinling School; poetics; difference and similarity
责任编辑:唐ꢀ 普]