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Opportunities and Challenges:Developing Strategies of New
Silk Road Economic Belt and the Development of Cities in Xinjiang
HE Yi⁃min
College of History and Culture, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610064, China)
Abstract:The ancient silk road has brought prosperity and vitality to Xinjiang which is called the
Western Region at that time. As the interruption of the silk road, the development of this area, however,
gradually lagged and has been marginalized for a long period of time. Since the end of the 20th century,
the strategies to revive and establish the economic belt on the silk road have been put forward successive⁃
ly. Xinjiang thus gains unprecedented chances for development in its geo⁃political and geo⁃economic stra⁃
tegic status. Its change from the edge to the hub may also become reality. Therefore, the point is how
Xinjiang could participate and affect the process of the revival of the new silk road economic belt success⁃
fully so that it can seize the opportunities to expand international and regional cooperation, thus opens a
door to the further regional and national development. Making the development of Xinjiang a national
strategy, striving for the policy support and financial support, strengthening the co⁃operation among cen⁃
tral Asian countries, developing cities in Xinjiang, enhancing administrative level of its main cities, con⁃
structing and perfecting regional urban system and cities’ driving of regional development would be the
possible roads to promote the development of cities in Xinjiang.
Key words:the new silk road; the economic belt of the silk road; cities in Xinjiang