蒙雪琴ꢀ 张ꢀ 琴ꢀ 空间的表征:《小伙子布朗》对生存整体的探问
lishing, 2011, pp.51⁃52。 关于罗杰·威廉被驱逐的事件,参见:Amy Allison, Roger Williams: Colonial Leader, New York:
Chelsea House Publishers, 2001, pp.35⁃37。 关于安·哈庆生的驱逐事件,参见:Beth Clark, Anne Hutchinson: Religious
Leader, New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 2000, pp.45⁃53.
⑨转引自:C. S. 霍尔、V. J. 诺德贝《荣格心理学入门》,冯川译,三联书店1987 年版,48 页、50 页。.
⑧参见:C.S.霍尔《弗洛伊德心理学入门》,陈维正译,商务印书馆1986 年版,48⁃49 页、43 页。
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Presentation of the Spaces:
Concern over the Wholeness of Existence in Young Goodman Brown
MENG Xue⁃qin, ZHANG Qin
School of Foreign Languages, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610101, China)
Abstract: Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the first half of the 19th century Amer⁃
ican romantic representative writer, demonstrates vividly through the presentation, interaction and con⁃
trast of a social space drenched in the religious doctrines, a haunted forest space and the mental space of
the protagonist how the puritan social space controls powerfully the minds of the people living in through
its complete system of disciplines, surveillance and punishment. This is the writer’s profound exploration
into man’s existence in the religious civilization, embodying his concern over the wholeness, values and
conditions of man’s existence in the sense of the existential ontology. Such presentation of spaces reveals
similar spatial concepts to those of the contemporary spatial criticism.
Key words:Spatial criticism; Nathaniel Hawthorne; Young Goodman Brown; the wholeness of ex⁃
责任编辑:唐ꢀ 普]