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Narrating with the Mask: Authority of the Authorial Narrative Voice
in African American Women’s Novels
FANG Xiao⁃li
College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610064, China)
Abstract:Before the 1970s, given the specific socio⁃historical context, black women have to choose
special narrative strategies to tell their stories. During this period, almost all the black women novelists
take the authorial narrative communication in their novels. Masked by a race⁃gender⁃neutral narrative
mode, black women novelists learn from the historians to tell their stories with a third⁃person omniscient
narrator, which seems to make their narrative more objective and reliable. In this way, the authorial nar⁃
rative communication has allowed black women such as Zora Neale Hurston, Paule Marshall and Toni
Morrison access to male authority with a “He” mask.
Key words:the African American women’s novels; the black women novelists; authorial narrative
communication; authority of voice; Zora Neale Hurston; Paule Marshall; Toni Morrison
责任编辑:唐ꢀ 普]