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Poems in Dunhuang Fresco as Chaci
DAI Ying⁃ying
Institute of Ancient Documents, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610064, China)
Abstract:Chaci is the inserted rhymed verse in a talking and singing text, and is divided into fixed
Chaci and prepared Chaci. Fixed Chaci is an inseparable part of the talking and singing text and is dis⁃
seminated together with the text, while prepared Chaci is originally a part of the talking and singing text
but is disseminated along from the text afterward. Poems in Dunhuang Fresco as Chaci has mainly four to
seven Chinese characters per line, with seven and five as the most frequent. They include the original po⁃
ems written by the singers on the spot and the poems cited. Chaci differs from traditional poems in con⁃
tents, forms, recording standards, lining styles and dissemination ways. Poems can spread wider and fas⁃
ter with the help of singers. In the processing of talking and singing, the singers can insert poems and e⁃
ven adjust both the contents and forms of poems according to his needs. In the process of listening, one
records poems by the order of their occurrence and thus makes many incomprehensible texts. The rhymed
verses, once disseminated by their own, has a very vogue relation with the original talking and singing
text. Prepared Chaci can be used to reconstruct the related talking and singing texts.
Key words:Chaci; Poems in Dunhuang Fresco; talking and singing texts; fixed Chaci; prepared
责任编辑:唐ꢀ 普]