2009/11/1 21:36:10 人评论 次浏览 分类:学科教学论
作者: 张思武 ,余海燕
英文标题:On Essential Differences Between TBL and CLT
英文关键词:TBL; CLT; linguistic competence; communicative competence; naturalness; authenticity; focus on form; ignorance of form
Different startingpoints and destinations determine the essential differences between taskbased learning and communicative language teaching, which is embodied in “focus on form” of TBL and “ignorance of form” of CLT and finds profound comprehensive interpretation in “a focus on form, as opposed to a focus on forms” — the core principle of taskbased approach. Communicative competence theory determines CLT content with its understanding of language essence, while cognitive learning theory determines TBL process with its understanding of learning essence. The content, use of language and rules of language use, of “rulebased” CLT classroom activities, which pursue the authenticity of practical situations of language use, is precisely its teaching end. The content, task implementation through problemsolving, of “nonrulebased” TBL classroom activities, which comply with the naturalness of language acquisition sequence of universal route, is not its learning end but its means to enable learning to occur. The end of TBL classroom activities is linguistic competence development of learners’ interlanguage.