谢志超ꢀ 论《金色永恒律书》的禅宗思想
A Study of Zen Buddhism in The Scripture of the Golden Eternity
XIE Zhi⁃chao
Foreign Language Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620;
Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Eeast China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China)
Abstract:Jack Kerouac is a representative of American Beat Generation. He accepts Chinese Zen
Buddhism and applies it to his literary writing. His poetry The Scripture of the Golden Eternity is regarded
as American Diamond Sutra for its special structure, language style and multi-themes. This poetry is
combined with paintings, showing a poem picturesque scenery, and the writer’s understanding Zen by
paintings as well. The era of American Zen poetry begins.
Key words: The Scripture of the Golden Eternity ; Jack Kerouac; a poem picturesque scenery; un⁃
derstanding Zen by paintings
责任编辑:唐ꢀ 普]
我刊入选“‘复印报刊资料’重要转载来源期刊(2014 年版)”
015 年3 月31 日,中国人民大学书报资料中心举办“2014‘复印报刊资料’转载指数成果发布会暨人文
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来源期刊(2014 年版)”。
学术界、期刊界同行评议为学术质量较好、影响力较大并有国内统一刊号的学术期刊。 人大书报资料中心采
取转载数据分析和期刊同行评议相结合的方法,对2013-2014 年度被“复印报刊资料”转载论文的1600 种
人文社科学术期刊进行数据分析评议,最终遴选出747 种期刊作为2014 年版“‘复印报刊资料’重要转载来
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