Taking Students as the Fundamental: the Value, Goal and Route of
Current Ideological Political Education of Higher Learning Institutions
JIAN Qian⁃dong
Sichuan Police Institute, Luzhou, Sichuan 646000, China)
Abstract:Taking students as the fundamental, a concrete embodiment of carrying out and realizing
humanism, is the correct value, goal and route of ideological political education of higher learning institu⁃
tions of the new period, for which the education must start from the students proper, allow all the
students all-round, harmonious and active development and let them have motive power for sustainable
development. For a thorough realization of humanism in the education, we must firmly establish taking
students as the fundamental, innovate the education model and construct a high quality teacher team.
Key words:taking students as the fundamental; ideological political education of higher learning in⁃
stitution; value; goal; route
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本刊2007 年第5 期《文君、相如故事的文化解读》一文中,“郑樵《通志》卷102 下云”(124 页右栏倒数
—5 行)应为“宋人‘窃赀’之说源于扬雄,郑樵《通志》卷102 下引扬雄《解嘲》云”。 本文“参考文献”[6]
127 页倒数14 行)应为“倪思撰,刘辰翁评.班马异同[M].明刻本,北京师范大学图书馆藏本”。 特此更正。