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Dilemma and Solution of Final Ruling
of International Commercial Primary Arbitrament
MENG Shao⁃hua
Law Institute, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610068, China)
Abstract:A traditional view holds that one of the advantages of arbitrament as opposed to lawsuit is
final ruling of primary arbitrament. However, along with the increasingly enlarged scale of international
commercial activities, this advantage entails, besides its efficiency, possibility of fairness deficiency,
which the existent judicial review system cannot eliminate fundamentally. Therefore, it is a must to regard
commercial arbitrament principally as a combination between contractual factors and arbitrating authority
factors, to set up “secondary arbitrament” of involved parties bargaining, and for the arbitrament to turn
to judicial factors with the chief goal of facilitating its development.
Key words:international commercial arbitrament; final ruling of primary arbitrament; secondary ar⁃
bitrament; judicial factors; arbitrating authority factors