特征。 我们可以期待儿童在玩中习得更多的外语,
力进行外语或二语学习。 语言教师应当对所有因素
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Discussion About Foreign Language Learning⁃Starting Age
JIN Dai⁃lai
Foreign Languages Institute, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610068, China)
Abstract:There exist remarkable physiological, psychological and cognitive disparities among lan⁃
guage learners of different age groups, of which children, adolescents and adults have respective advanta⁃
ges in foreign language or second language learning. Children are endowed with language acquisition po⁃
tential, of which the most salient is that they can acquire the accent similar to that of target⁃language n⁃
atives; adolescents enjoy good imitation ability, memory and sensitive meta⁃language consciousness,
while adults have a greater memory capacity and are also able to focus more easily on the purely formal
features of language. We can expect children to acquire much of a foreign language through play, whereas
for adults we can reasonably expect a greater use of abstract thinking. Language teachers should take
these factors into account and adopt correspondent teaching methods.
Key words:LAD; critical period hypothesis; learning age;learning⁃starting age; number of expo⁃
sure years; ESL/ EFL