常思春ꢀ 韩愈论李、杜新探
宋人始重新收辑整理。 李、杜的盛衰与韩愈古文的
否流传下来,就很难说了。 诗歌史上李、杜这两座丰
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2]全唐文[M]. 北京:中华书局影印清嘉庆内府刻本,1982ꢁ
3]昌黎先生集[M]. 上海:蟫隐庐影印宋廖氏世綵堂刻本,1928ꢁ
4]魏泰. 临汉隐居诗话[M]. 清何文焕辑历代诗话本. 北京:中华书局,1981ꢁ
5]周紫之. 竹坡诗话[M]. 清何文焕辑历代诗话本. 北京:中华书局,1981ꢁ
6]魏怀中.五百家注昌黎先生集[M]. 上海:商务印书馆影印宋刻本ꢁ
7]文谠. 详注昌黎先生集[M]. 宋刻本. 国家图书馆藏ꢁ
8]音注昌黎先生集[M]. 文录堂影印宋刻本,1934ꢁ
9]方世举. 韩昌黎编年笺注诗集[M]. 德州卢氏雅雨堂刻本,乾隆二十三年(1758)ꢁ
10]钱仲联. 韩昌黎诗系年集释[M]. 上海:上海古籍出版社,1984ꢁ
11]芮挺章. 国秀集[M]. 中华书局上海编辑所编辑唐人选唐诗十种. 北京:中华书局,1958ꢁ
12]殷蟠. 河岳英灵集[M]. 中华书局上海编辑所编辑唐人选唐诗十种. 北京:中华书局,1958ꢁ
13]韦庄.又玄集[M]. 中华书局上海编辑所编辑唐人选唐诗十种. 北京:中华书局,1958ꢁ
14]高仲武. 中兴间气集[M]. 中华书局上海编辑所编辑唐人选唐诗十种. 北京:中华书局,1958ꢁ
New Approach to Han Yu’s Opinion of Li Bai and Du Fu
CHANG Si⁃chun
Chinese Institute, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610068, China)
Abstract:Li Bai and Du Fu are two monuments in the history of Chinese poetry, of whose establish⁃
ment the first credit must be given to Han Yu. The previous discussions on Han’s view of Li and Du are
limited to the so⁃called “good and bad points of Li and Du” by Jiu Tang Shu Du Fu Zhuan and only fi⁃
xes on the point that there is no distinction between Li and Du in precedence or excellence. Through an
examination and correction of the misinterpretation of Han’s view, we can rectify the previous misunder⁃
standing of Han’s famous Diao Zhang Ji on Li and Du and the chronicle mistakes, reveal that Han’s
purpose is to advocate learning Li and Du poetry that fully reflects the reality. and reform the leisurely
care⁃free style that avoids the reality, and Han’s historical contribution in establishing Li and Han as
model of poetics tradition.
Key words:Han Yu; Li Bai; Du Fu