李ꢀ 健ꢀ WTO 体制下的特殊和差别待遇制度
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On the Special and Differential Treatment System in WTO
LI Jian
Southwest University of Political Sciences and Law, Chongqing, Chongqing, 400031, China)
Abstract:The special and differential treatment allows the developing countries certain flexibility in
applying the trade rules, to meet the unfavorable international trade situation. Due to the systematical de⁃
fects of the SDT itself, however, its implementation is not effective and it arouses great attention among
the developing countries in a new round of negotiation. These countries must, with coordination and cor⁃
rect stand and strategies, convert the SDT into an effective instrument for the maintenance and promotion
of their integral long⁃term interest.
Key words:developing countries; special and differential treatment; fairness; development